
Holastic Study

MITADT University believes in transforming youth into physically fit, mentally alert and spiritually elevated. So, the necessary training is provided in terms of physical exercise for physically fitness, Yoga-Meditation for concentration of mind and soul, Communication Skills and Foreign Languages to compete with the current world scenario and interaction with the Society through Social Immersion Activities to know more about the Society issues and the solutions thereof. The experts in the respective fields train the students accordingly.

Year Semester UCC UCE
FY SEM I Health Practice 1 English
SEM II Health Practice 2 Soft Skill
SY SEM I Social Immersion 1 Creative and Performing Arts 1
SEM II Social Immersion 2 Creative and Performing Arts 2
TY SEM I NA Foreign Language Part 1
SEM II NA Foreign Language Part 2
  1. Health Practice: Yoga, Meditation, Gymnasium

  2. Social Immersion: Social Awareness, Village Development, Social Awareness Programs, Women Empowerments, Spiritual Lectures

  3. Foreign Language: Spanish, French, German, Mandarin, Japanese, Arabic, Italian, Spanish, French, German, Mandarin, Japanese, Arabic, Italian

  4. Performing Arts: Drama, Drawing & Painting, Sculpture Clay Modelling, Photography, Literary Sensibility for Enhanced Personality, Practice of Design, Indian Classical Music (Vocal), Light Classical & Popular Music (Vocal), Classical Dance- Kathak, Folk Dance, Event Management,

  5. Instrumental Music: Harmonium / Key-board, Instrumental Music –Tabla, Instrumental Music – Guitar, Digital Literacy

  6. Soft Skill: Communication skills, Time management skills. Critical thinking skills, Problem-solving skills, Teamwork skills, Leadership skills.